Change is constant…

Change is constant growth is optional.

Today as I was driving to work with my son I was thinking about changes. It seems like this Spring is bringing change to many people. Personally, I have a really hard time with change. I like things to be the same and to always know what is happening.

I avoided change for a long time. To keep my brain straight and life half way manageable I kept everything the same. I have been mostly under control for a while now. I have slowly been venturing out in to things that are a little scarier. I took a class to become a life coach, I have been working to get my national certification and I started a business. (I even have business cards!)

And the biggest scary thing I have done in about 20 years is I gave my notice at work. I have been lucky enough to run a small library. Honestly, it has been my dream job. It it part-time, mostly during the time the boys have been in school. Plus I get to be surrounded by books. But it is time to make a change for myself and my family.

When we choose to make changes it does help to make the changes easier to handle. However, there can still be difficulties in doing life differently. There are a few ways that you can help yourself make the transition easier.

First, remind yourself why you are making the change. When the hard part of the change comes, and it always does, reflect back on why you wanted to make this change. It can be helpful to even write down all of the reasons you choose this path in the first place. Then when it gets difficult you can read over them to remind yourself of the good things that will be coming to you.

Second, keep the rest of your routine as close to normal as possible. The more you can keep on an even keel the easier it is to accept the change in your life. If you decide to live a healthier lifestyle don’t change everything at once. Start exercising and as that becomes a habit begin to work on your food choices. Small changes you can stick to make more of a difference than large changes that don’t last.

Finally, treat yourself with kindness. The change will be difficult and at times it could be upsetting. The more you can be gentle with yourself the easier it will be to accept the difficult times. Remember that no one is perfect and that you are loved no matter what.

If you are facing change in your own life I hope these steps will help. If you are needing more help to face the changes in your life I would love to support you. Please comment below or message me and happy changing!