It’s my party!

Tomorrow is my birthday! I have now reached the age that when I am asked what I want for more birthday I can’t answer.  Five years ago I would never have believed that I would reach an age where I couldn’t answer with a thing that I wanted for my birthday.

Now when I think about my birthday I want things that can’t be bought in a store or ordered from Amazon.

First, I want health for all of my friends and family.  Too many people that I love are suffering.  They are having to learn hard lessons and they are hurting.  It makes me sad because there isn’t a thing I can do. Expect love them. I wish you health and healing.

I want peace for those suffering from grief, personal and family problems and mental health problems.  I have been through all of these and they hurt!  If you haven’t yet experienced one of these problems you will.  And I wish you peace.  If you are now in the middle of one of these circumstances I wish for you to feel the love I have for you.  But more importantly I wish you to feel the love of Jesus Christ.  He is there listening and reaching out to you.  Turn to Him He is there and will lift and carry you.

Life is hard.  So many people around the world exist in circumstance that I can’t imagine.  I wish for the world to change.  I wish for war to end and poverty to be eradicated.  I wish I could hold every baby without a mother.  I wish I could save every child that is being hurt.  I wish life wasn’t so hard.

So for my birthday gift this year I ask you to “lift where you are”. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)  Change your corner of the world.  It won’t solve the world’s problems but it will change one person’s life.  And really what better way to change the world than helping one person?

Annie Spratt photo credit