The Confidence Code

Things I have learned from The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman:

-Most women overthink life.  Honestly, I thought it was just me.  I thought I was the only one that worried about decisions and actions way too much.  The truth is a lot of women do this.  Even women most would consider successful and put together.

-There really is a gene for anxiety and depression.  It is SLC6A4, just in case you wanted to know.  This makes me happy to know that it really wasn’t a choice to have anxiety attacks.

-Confidence is more important than IQ in determining future success.  When people have confidence they are more likely to go after the things they want.  Women, generally, will only apply for a job if they meet 100% of the criteria.  Men, in general, will apply if they meet 60%.

I can’t wait to read more into the book to find out how to improve my confidence.  I have also ordered another book the “Purple Crayon Confidence”.  I can’t wait to learn more!

Day 15 – I am in a learning mode today.  Figuring out more about confidence and how to strengthen my own!



Fill your Cup

“When you over value what other people think of you it’s because you’re looking for someone else to fill your cup.  You’re looking for someone else to give you self-esteem.” Dr. Ashlee Greer

What you think of yourself is so much more important than what other people think of you.  Confidence will only grow when you are filling your own cup.  When you are giving esteem to yourself.

Esteem means admiration or respect.  How do you gain this admiration for yourself?  I think first off you have to understand who you really are.  You must remember that you are a creation of God.  He made you and He loves you.  If you can’t feel love for yourself right now remember that God loves you.

Next, find out the things you are good at.  My second son is awesome at telling corny jokes.  He makes us laugh and he is always searching for a new joke.  It may seem like a small thing knowing how to tell a joke.  But when it has been a long day and you just can’t deal with life anymore a good joke breaks the tension.  Our talents aren’t always found in the big things of the world.  Find what you are good at and treat those things with respect.  Those talents are how you will change the world.

Finally, find the things you really want to do.  The goals we haven’t won’t always come from strengths we possess.  Sometimes the goals we have will come from something you want to learn.  Or a shortcoming you want to overcome.  I hate heights and it is getting worse the older I get.  However, giving in to this fear is not something I am willing to do anymore.  As kids we always teased our Mom because she is afraid of heights. (I know this is called Karma!)  But Mom never gave up.  She came behind and she hugged the mountain but she never gave up.

My mom was always the last in the family to finish a hike.  But she always finished.  Make a list of the things you want to learn or accomplish and start doing them!  It doesn’t matter if you are perfect at it.  It doesn’t matter if you think you are too old.   Just go do it.

Day 14 – confidence comes by respecting yourself.  Do one thing today that shows you love and respect yourself!

Blow Past Those Limits

Yesterday I wrote about knowing your limits so that you can take care or yourself.  I know this is so important; you must take care of yourself.

You need to know your limits for another reason.  You need to know your limits so that you can blow past them!  When I was going through the worst of the anxiety there was only so much I could do in a day.  I knew it and I planned accordingly. (Most of the time!)

Those limits stuck in my head for a really long time.  Just a few weeks ago I found myself thinking about the upcoming week and all that I had to do.  I thought can I really accomplish everything?  Am I going overdo it?  Can I really handle all of this?

When I realized what I was thinking.  I had to stop and remind myself that I am not the same person I was a few years ago.  I don’t get so overwhelmed anymore.  I don’t stress so much about what others think. (I still do but I am working on it!) I don’t get tired out so easily.

I decided then that I didn’t want to be held back by those limits anymore.  I didn’t want to be the person that couldn’t do it or would be too overwhelmed.  So I am quitting those thoughts.  I am choosing to push myself a little bit more.  To try a little bit harder.

Guess what?  I can do it!  I am moving forward little by little but I am moving forward.

Day 13 – know your limits so you can blow past them.  Take care of yourself but don’t put yourself so much in a box that you don’t try new things!

Know your Limits

Today was a crazy busy day.  I love having the nice, slow Saturdays when all I have to worry about is getting the grocery shopping done.  This was the opposite of slow.  We were so busy that my hubby and I didn’t even see each other until 6pm.

I started out in a really good mood.  Then this afternoon everything started to bug me.  I spoke too harshly to my son.  Everyone at the store was super annoying.  Just being around people was making my skin crawl.

When I got home from shopping I gave myself a time out.  I took a few minutes to myself just to breathe without anyone asking me for anything.  I listened to a talk from the last LDS Conference.

Sometimes confidence means knowing your limits.  Pushing beyond what you can handle mentally and physically can be harmful to yourself and those around you.  Make a list of all the things that helps you to feel better when you have hit your limit.  Then when you need a break you have a ready made list of ideas to choose from.

It is ok to take time for yourself.  It is good to treat yourself well.  Time outs aren’t just for kids anymore!

Day 12 – know your mental limits.  Confidence is taking good care of yourself.

Thoughts and Confidence

When I first started this challenge I had two people tell me that watching their thoughts had made a huge difference in their confidence.  I know thoughts are so important;  I can think myself into an anxiety attack in no time flat!

It was also suggested that I read the book “The Confidence Code” by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman.  In the introduction I came upon the following gem:

“In the most basic terms, what we need to do is start acting and risking and failing, and stop mumbling and apologizing and prevaricating.  It isn’t that women don’t have the ability to succeed; it’s that we don’t seem to believe we can succeed, and that stops us from even trying.  Women are so keen to get everything just right that we are terrified of getting something wrong.  But, if we don’t take risks, we’ll never reach the next level.”

This one paragraph describes so much of my life.  I spent years afraid of my own shadow, wanting to do everything perfectly. (And I am so grateful to know that I am not the only person that was so afraid of failing that I didn’t even try!) It is time to take some risks, fail a few times and reach the next level.

All of this depends on what I believe can happen.  All of this begins with my thoughts.  Knowing this I have been paying closer attention to the thoughts I allow to stay in my brain.  Not everything I think gets the same amount of playing time.

When I start to feel depressed or anxious I think back about what I had just been thinking.  When I find negative thoughts I counter or refute them.  It can go something like this: “I don’t know what I’m doing I am never going to make this happen.” When I recognize the negative thought I change it to: “True I don’t know what I am doing but I do know where I can get the information.  I know that as I work more avenues will be opened for me.”  Simple thought changes make a huge difference in how I feel and how I act.

I know I make it sound easy.  It is not always simple to change negative thoughts to positive ones but you must keep practicing.  The more you do it, the better you will become at it.  And the more you tell yourself positive things the more you will believe them.  We are such wonderful creatures we deserve to feed our minds and hearts good, strong thoughts.

Day 11 – take care of the thoughts you entertain.  They will determine the actions you take.

How do you keep negative thoughts from overcoming you?  How have your thoughts helped you to achieve?  Any other advice for my confidence challenge?


Service breeds Confidence

“When we build, when we lift the burden of others, it blesses our lives in ways our trials cannot take away.”  Sharon Eubank

“And as long as I am busy worrying abut their needs, I completely forget to worry abut how they might be perceiving me.” Ruth Soukup

Service, reaching out to others, helping, lifting, giving these are all ways to build confidence.  We have so many ways to connect virtually sometimes I forget that I need to connect in real life also.

When I give of myself, when I let down the barriers I have erected, I feel more confident.  I am happier because I am helping to lift someone else that is struggling.

What are your favorite things to do to serve others?  What are the best ways you have found to connect with family and friends?  What needs do you know of that I could serve right now?

Day 10 – Help me find ways to give service. (Yep today is all about me!)

All You Can Do

I have always been told that God will help you after all you can do.  He then steps in and makes up the rest.

I have taken this to mean that I have to fight and scramble and figure out twenty different ways to fix something in my life.  Because there is always MORE I could do.  So what does that mean for me asking God for help?  It didn’t happen; I always felt there was more I could do.

Today as I was thinking about life and this challenge the thought came to me rely on God.  As I thought about what that would mean I remembered an incident from yesterday.  My monkey likes to get snacks before or after gymnastics.  Yesterday we decided to stop at the Maverick after gymnastics and get a snack.  As he was walking around trying to decide what he wanted I also wandered the store.  I was trying to convince myself that I really didn’t NEED a snack.

Then I saw their yummy sugar cookies sitting in the cooler.  So I asked for help.  Heavenly Father I really want that cookie but I know I should be eating better.  Oh never mind, I really want it so I am just going to get it.  So I did and I ate the entire thing and it was delicious.  However,  I wasn’t really asking for help in resisting the treat.

Today as I thought about relying on God for help my prayers changed.  (Now let me just say that eating yummy things is not bad.  My problem is I overdo it.  If one is good 10 is so much better!)  Instead of a passing pretend prayer I have tried to rely more on God.  My request has been different. Heavenly Father, I really want that candy bar but I know it isn’t good for me.  Please fill me up with your love and turn my heart to thee.

I guess the difference really is in the humility of my requests.  I can only rely on Heavenly Father when I am truly humble enough to ask with a sincere heart and then listen to what He is telling me.

Now I understand better what I have been told for so many years.  God will help you after all you can do.  Right now when it comes to candy all I can do is about 2 minutes.  Then I have to call in the big guns.  He fills in the rest – which to me means that He pours love and acceptance into my heart.  He lets me feel the love He has for me.

Day 9 – Believe in God (or a higher power) that He is listening; that he loves you.  Believe that your struggles are not your own to carry.  He will lift and help and carry you.

Perfect is a Myth

When it comes to relationships I assume I have to be perfect.  I have to find the one thing the other person wants me to do to be perfect.  When I figure this out it means that I will be loved and respected.

I realized today that that I am the only person that thinks I have to be perfect.  I don’t have to be perfect to MAKE anyone like me.  People love me just the way I am.  This thought may seem obvious to most people but it was a life changing fact for me.

Yes I have goals and dreams but I don’t have to achieve them to make people love me.  I don’t need to be a perfect Stepford wife to make my hubby love me.  I don’t have to be totally fit chick to make my trainer like me. (Seriously, she is so amazing and uplifting.  She is all about helping people reach their goals, whether they have to do with health and fitness or not.)  I don’t need to be the perfect mom to make my kids love me.

This was such an amazing realization.  I can relax and have fun.  I don’t have to spend all my mental energy figuring out the one thing I can do for each person to make them like me.  Instead I can figure out what I can do to make them feel loved, to feel more confident.

I am amazingly grateful that I realized the truth today.

Day 8 – You are perfect the way you are!  You don’t and can’t make anyone love you.  Love yourself.

Just Say It Hurts

Today my youngest got his braces off.  It was very exciting and he was happy to get them off.  Until it came to all of the work of actually getting them off.

I have never had braces so I didn’t know how it all worked.  They just pop the brackets off with a little tool.  They don’t loosen the glue or anything.  Then you have to lay there as they grind off all of the glue with a little baby sander.  (I don’t know what dental tools are called but I do know a few construction tools.)

Then they glued a wire on to his bottom front teeth for a permanent retainer.  Then they had to take impressions to make plastic retainers kind of like invisalign braces.  (I have had impressions done and those totally stink!!!)  Then all the pictures for before and after which are amazing!  Then a fluoride treatment that took 4 minutes with plastic trays in his mouth.

The entire process took about 2 hours.  Now if you know my monkey you know he doesn’t sit still very well or at all.  This is torture for him having to sit still,  keep his mouth open and tilted and have all of this stuff in his mouth.

The thing is though that he isn’t afraid of saying enough.  He isn’t afraid of telling them that something hurts.  Me?  I just lay there gripping my hands together until they finish.  Does it take longer when you ask to stop?  Yes, but you get a breather and a break for a minute.

I love that he was confident enough to say no let me breathe.  From now on I am going to be more confident about just asking for what I need.  Too often I am one of those people that just wants you to read my mind.  No more!

Day 7 – Ask for what you need and stand up for yourself!

Why a confidence challenge?

The reason I wanted to do this confidence challenge is very selfish.  I have always been a little unsure of myself and very nervous.  But the extreme anxiety I went through a few years ago really stripped me of any strength or confidence in myself.  I had just enough energy to take care of the necessities for myself and my family, nothing more.

Now I am getting better.  I feel like I have more energy to invest in myself and in relationships.  To do that I need to have confidence that I have something to offer others.  That is why I am doing this to regain confidence, to remind myself that I have something to offer in a relationship and to learn.  I am being very selfish in doing this but I also hope that by sharing my story it will help others to know that you can make it through hard times also.  The bad doesn’t last forever and things really do get better.

Day 6 – no advice about confidence but my reason for doing this challenge.