Wear it or Wipe it off?

Last Sunday for church we had what is called Stake Conference. That means that all the wards or congregations in one area meet together. We have talks from the leaders of the Stake but also the members.

There was an older gentleman who spoke and told the following story. He grew up on a farm in Eastern Idaho, his parents were sharecroppers so they all had work to do on the farm. Each morning him and his dad would get up early to milk the cows. This story takes place in the winter and he explained that the end of the cows tail would get full of “stuff”. That is all he said to explain about the cow’s tail. However, the cows tail was full of frozen cow poop, pee, mud, and whatever other gross stuff picked up around the farm.

As he sat down to milk this cow, for whatever reason, the cow slapped him in the face with it’s tail. The gentleman was mad and called for his dad. He expected his dad to be as upset as him and say that they would get rid of the cow. His dad, though, just looked at him for a minute and then said, “Well are you going to wipe it off or are you going to wear it?”

He wiped off the muck and started his milking. He said that he had thought about what his dad said for the rest of his life. Life sometimes hits us upside the head with muck and when it does we have a choice. Are we going to sit there and wear the muck or are we going to wipe it off?

I thought about this in relation to my own life. I know there have been too many times where I wore the muck for way too long. I was mad and I wanted everyone to know that life wasn’t fair for me. Then there have been times where I decided to just wipe it off and go on.  Both choices require work – the decision we have to make is where do we want to expend our efforts.

Do I want to spend the limited time and energy I have being mad? Or do I want to spend the energy wiping off the bad things and moving on?

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!