Comfort Zone

Lack of belief is a convenient excuse for not undertaking new projects. New tasks can be very frightening, but they are good for us, too. They force us out of our current comfort zones.

Elaine L. Jack

I am scared of most things in life. I can’t even look at a picture of someone standing at the top of a mountain without my palms starting to sweat. I get nervous meeting new people. I am never sure what to say, but I do know that whatever I say will be wrong.

I know, however, that getting out of my comfort zone and trying is the best way to deal with my fears. I ran a rut down the middle of my brain that taught me that anything new or out of the ordinary is scary. I have spent a few years re-teaching my brain to not be so afraid.

I go to the top of mountains, I don’t get close to the edge. I meet new people and let them decide what they think of me. I have new dreams that will take stepping farther out of my comfort zone to achieve. Want to know a funny thing about your comfort zone? It moves with you.

The more you do something that scares you the less scary it becomes. Soon you have no idea why you were ever scared. Then you take another step out of your comfort zone because you realized that you like how it feels to try new things. Keep stretching and trying you will be amazed at what you will accomplish.

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!