Small Act of Kindness

Just over 23 years ago I was boarding a plane to live in Washington D.C. for a year and half. I was going to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was a young, naive, scared 21 year old that had never traveled by herself. AND I was in charge of helping another Sister from Mongolia who spoke limited English get there also. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement.

We boarded the plane in Salt Lake City having just said goodbye to my family. We changed planes in Denver and then would continue on to Washington D.C. As I was waiting to get off the plane in Denver I woman passed me in the aisle, handed me a note and continued off the plane. I didn’t have time to read the note until we boarded our plane for D.C.

I was then able to read the incredibly kind and loving note this woman gave me. I don’t know who she is and I could not pick her out of a line up of one today. But her note has stayed with me and carried me over rough spots over the last 23 years.

The last line of her note says “Remember that you are a warrior of light, and truth, and love, and the fight? There is no struggle. We just all want to get home. I love you.” How beautiful is that? We just all want to get home.

This is one example of a simple kindness that has blessed my life. I would love to explain to this woman what her simple act has done for me. She probably has no idea what an impact she had on my life. But she saw someone in need and took action.

I love sharing this story because I am not like this. I will see someone in need and hope that someone will do something. But that someone is me. That person has been put in my path so that I can help them. I am not naturally a connector. I might have written a note like this for someone but then I would second guess myself and not give it to them. But as I have rediscovered this note and the love that was shared with me during a vulnerable time I have begun to realize how much a simple act of kindness can change the direction of a person’s life.

Although reaching out to others is not natural for me it is a skill that I learn. I love people I am interested and want to help, I am just afraid. Afraid they will think I am weird, or afraid that they will laugh at me. Fear doesn’t get to run the show anymore. Each day I now look for one small thing I can do to reach out to someone else.

It may be as simple as leaving a comment on someone’s Facebook post. Or looking someone in the eye and saying hello. Or holding the door open for them when it would be easier to just walk on. Life is hard and scary and mean but that doesn’t mean that we have to be hard and scary and mean. We can change the world just by showing kindness in our corner of the world.

Will you join me?

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!