Medication is not a bad thing


I take medication for anxiety and have for a few years now. I have taken medication on and off since my twenties. It helps me to better regulate my emotions and thoughts. It helps me not feel so overwhelmed with life.

I know that my brain doesn’t always work right. I know I need help with getting my emotions and feelings to the base line most people live with on a regular basis. The one thing I don’t understand is why some people believe that taking medication for a mental illness is a bad thing.

The stigma surrounding taking medication for a mental illness is devastating. I think this stigma causes too many people to not get the help they need. Leading to more problems and pain for them and their families.

I am grateful that as mental illness becomes better understood and talked about church leaders are helping their followers to understand that seeking help is a good thing. Jeffery R. Holland an Apostle in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has said:

“If things continue to be debilitating, seek the advice of reputable people with certified training, professional skills, and good values. Be honest with them about your history and your struggles. Prayerfully and responsibly consider the counsel they give and the solutions they prescribe. If you had appendicitis, God would expect you to seek a priesthood blessing and get the best medical care available. So too with emotional disorders. Our Father in Heaven expects us to use all of the marvelous gifts He has provided in this glorious dispensation”.

I remember when this talk was given at a General Conference (which is the world wide gathering of our Church) in 2013. I gave a huge sigh of relief because he told all of the people in the church that it is okay and important to get help out side of prayer for mental issues.

As Christians I think that many times we feel that we should be able to overcome any emotional problem with prayer. We have faith that God will take away our mental problems if we are just good enough. Although I do know that God can heal us I also know that God expects us to use everything at our disposal to get to that healing He wants for us. I also know that sometimes that healing will not come in this life and that is okay. I will continue to do all I can to become healed.

I also think we feel guilty for being depressed or anxious because of all the blessing we have in our lives. I shouldn’t feel bad because I have a wonderful family, a safe warm home and friends that love me. But mental illness doesn’t care what you do or don’t have it can come to anyone.

I know that taking medication has saved me and my family. I will continue to fight to breakdown the stigma surrounding taking medication. Because I believe to will save other people and other families.

So the next time you hear or know or are told that someone one know is taking medication celebrate them. Let them know you are proud of them. Know that they are taking care of themselves. Let’s support and love each other.

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!