Why Mother’s Day?

As I write this it is the day before Mother’s Day.  All this week I have been thinking about Mother’s day. I have been thinking about how I act on Mother’s day with my family. How I reach out to the Moms in my life and why Mother’s day is so full of emotion.

I have come to realize that for me Mother’s day is so full of emotion because I don’t feel worthy of the praise. Is it only me or does anyone else cringe when talks in church start in on their angel mother. I want to stand up and scream we are not angels we are just people.

I know I am not perfect. I know that I have not always been the best mom. There are times that I wasn’t sure I really should be trusted with these little humans. I thought the real mom had better show up soon and take care of these kiddos before I seriously mess them up.

Then there are the times when your little kids come to snuggle you with their book and blanket. I really don’t know anything better than having a loving child on your lap.

One of my favorite things recently is getting to know my boys as they grow. It is so much fun to watch them grow up and develop their own personalities and ideas. I love to be able to have a real discussion with them about whatever pops into their heads. (And lots and lots of Star Wars discussions in my house!)

I may not be the perfect angel mother that is revered on Mother’s day. I am coming to realize, however, that I am doing a better job than I sometimes let myself believe. I am not perfect but I am relying more and more on my Heavenly Father who is there to help and guide me. I am often reminded that he knew them long before I did. He loves them even more than I do.

Mother’s day often feels like a holiday for the perfect mom. But really it is a holiday for each of us. It is a holiday to remind us that we are doing the best we can. It is a holiday for us to take a minute and be reminded of all the hard work we do each day. It is a holiday to look back and see how much we have learned and grown. It is a holiday to celebrate our families and be reminded of the blessings we have.

This year for Mother’s day I wish you a day for peace. A day to feel the love of your family. The love of your Heavenly Father as you love and guide the precious spirits that have been sent to you. A day to know that you are doing a wonderful job no matter what! A day to know that you don’t have to be an angel mother to deserve the love and praise that comes with Mother’s day.

Happy Mother’s day to every woman out their that has loved me and made me who I am today. Happy Mother’s day to the woman out there that struggle and fight each day to be better. Happy Mother’s day to all of the women in the world. Thank you for sharing your love and mothering each day.

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!