Blessings Flow

I have been listening to Colleen Coble’s book “Tidewater Inn”.  At one point a sister is talking about her brother and says that he was blessed with riches because the Lord knew that those riches would flow through him to bless those in need.  This description stopped me and made me think.  Do my riches and blessing flow through me to others in need or do I hold on to them so tightly I can’t see them?

I know for a long time I have had a death grip on my blessings. I didn’t want them to get away, I was afraid that there wasn’t enough. I thought I wasn’t enough. I thought if I didn’t hold on tight then my blessings would get away, that I would be left with nothing.

I have come to realize that fear was telling me lies. I have learned that when I squeeze my blessings so tight they can’t breathe it makes them die. When I believe that there isn’t enough, fear makes anything I do have smaller. I have learned that blessings multiply when they are given away.

I am still working on not being so afraid. But little changes are making a huge difference in how I feel. One simple mindset change has been to say I choose to spend my money somewhere else. Instead of saying we don’t have enough money for that thing. It seems small but it feels huge. By making this small mindset change I control how I feel instead of letting fear tell me what to feel.

Blessings are made to flow. They are supposed to flow to us and then out into the world to bless everyone. I have built a dam around my blessings but I am working to take it apart. I want my blessing to again be able to flow.

Photo by paul morris on Unsplash

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!