I Have Learned…

This it the last day of my challenge!

What is it that I have learned?

I have learned that confidence is an action.  To really gain confidence you have to do something.  It is similar to learning how to play the piano.  You can read all of the books and learn all of the theory but until you actually put your fingers on the keyboard you don’t know how to play the piano.  I have learned a lot about confidence but I really gain confidence by doing things that scare me.

I have learned that confidence is a choice.  So much of life is what we tell ourselves.  I have told myself for years that I am shy so that has been true.  As I make the choice to be confident the things I tell myself change.  Or maybe the things I tell myself changes so confidence comes out more.

I have learned that there are more people on my side than I thought.  Because the anxiety taught me I wasn’t good enough I hid; I have been very closed off from people.  Sharing my thoughts and deep feelings has shown me that there are people all over the world that care about me. I don’t have to be perfect or to earn love.  I can be me and that is ok.  That is confidence!

I have learned that I can accomplish what I set out to do.  I don’t always feel that I accomplish my goals.  I accomplish things for work, for my family and church.  But not always a goal just for me.  This was a goal just for me.  I pushed myself to do it and I only missed one day.  My confidence has increased knowing that I can push myself to accomplish my goals.

I have learned that my life is much more important to my Heavenly Father than I thought.  Sometimes I feel bad asking for help because I know that there are people with much bigger problems than mine.  I have learned, however, that there isn’t a ranking system on problems.  If it is important to us it is important to our Heavenly Father.  My confidence in Heavenly Father has grown.

This has been an amazing journey for me.  I am very grateful for each one of you for joining me.  Confidence isn’t just for other people it is for each one of us.

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!