Confidence takes Action

I broke my streak yesterday, so close to the end!!!

I have learned so much about confidence this month and so much about myself.

The number one thing I have learned is that confidence is something that you do. I can’t sit around reading and learning about confidence and just expect it to become part of my life.  I have to start doing things to bring that confidence into my life.

One thing that I need to do is be more vocal about this blog and my goals.  I spent last week with most of my siblings.  Only a couple of them even knew I was writing a blog. (I have 5 siblings.)  I mentioned it because I was writing in front of them.  But I never said “Hey check out my blog I would love your input and comments.”

I didn’t say anything because of fear.  (Although I did tell my mom she needed to read my blog about should!) I didn’t say anything because I don’t want them (or anyone) to laugh at me.  If I stay small, if I stay quiet there is less of a chance I will get laughed at.

I don’t want to stay small anymore.  I am tired of hiding my thoughts and dreams.  So this is when I marshal my confidence and step out into the unknown.

I am a life coach!!! There I said it.  This is a dream I have had for a really long time.  I love to help other people.  I love to see people change their lives and begin to love themselves and their lives.  I would love to work with you if you are seeking a change in your life.

Please contact me here.  Or connect with me on Facebook.

Day 29 – Do something today to build your confidence.  Do something scary just to show that you can.  I would love to hear what scary thing you did today!

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!

2 thoughts on “Confidence takes Action”

  1. Yay Janna!! So prod of you! You are an amazing life coach with so much to offer. Here’s to your new adventure!

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