Don’t think just Do IT

Today we went hiking to see an arrow.  It is kind of a cool story.  When the postal service first started to use planes to deliver mail they made cement arrows on the top of the mountains to direct the pilots.

When we got to the top of the mountain I decided to do some immersion therapy.  I am really afraid of heights and I want to get over it.  So I kept going out to the edge.  My mom was not happy about me doing it.  She is afraid of heights too.

At one point I was trying to climb over a little chasm.  I had gotten across a little bit but then froze.  My oldest came up behind me and was cheering me trying to help me get across.  He said, “Don’t think just do it.  OK maybe that is not the best advice coming from a teenager.”

But sometimes that is the best advice.  I know that I way over think anything that I want to do.  I worry over any choice that comes up. Sometimes I just need to do it.

Too much thinking often keeps me from doing what I really want.  Overthinking kills confidence because I can find any little reason why something won’t work.  I often give up before I even try because of overthinking.

Day 22 – don’t think just do it!

And yes I did unfreeze and get over the chasm!

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!