I am not the Judge

I have been thinking about this post for some time now.  Truthfully it is not something I want to share.  Mostly because it shows too much of my worst faults. But it is one I feel I need to share.

I have mentioned in the past that I am very judgy of other people.  No matter who it is I see I measure myself against them.  I want to see if I am better or worse than the person I am judging.  I know I do this to try and make myself feel better.  To show myself that maybe I am not that bad.  But all it does it tear me down and tear down the people I am judging.

People always say don’t worry about what other people are thinking because they aren’t thinking about you.  I know that is a lie, though, because I am thinking about other people all of the time.

Doing this confidence challenge has shown me two things about myself that I am not very proud of.  First, I am very insecure.  This is why I judge other people.  I am trying to make myself feel better.  I am trying to show that at least I am better dressed than her.  Or I am not as heavy as her.  Or I would never be so embarrassing as her.  It is exhausting!

The other reason I am so judgy is because I am jealous.  I don’t feel that I will ever be as good as that woman.  I know that woman is so talented I don’t have anything to offer like she does.  I will never be as successful as that person!

I guess really jealous and insecurity are essentially the same thing.  Both are exhausting and both keep me from really connecting with people.  I know when I am being judgy I am keeping people away from the real me.  When I am being judgy I am putting myself on a pedestal and other people below me. (I told you this wasn’t a pretty picture of me.)

The other day I was reading in the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon.  Alma was talking to the people about their sins and how the things they were doing were a trap from Satan.  Satan was using these sins to keep the people away from connecting with God and each other.  I sat back and thought about my life.  I know that my lack of confidence keeps me from really connecting with God.  I don’t feel like I am good enough to be loved by Him.  As long as I am stuck in this trap I am not progressing.  I am not becoming the person Heavenly Father wants me to be.

As I have focused on confidence and strength I have realized I am better than I thought.  I don’t have to be perfect I am loved the way I am.  I am working on tearing down the walls of jealousy and insecurity.  I don’t want them anymore.  I know it is time to leave them behind.

So I have made myself change the way I think.  Whenever I find myself judging someone else I have to come up with 5 nice things about that person.  I would much rather find nice things about another child of God.  This has helped me to start breaking the habit of judging.  And it helps me feel happier because I am focusing on the positives of other people

Day 19 – are there personal traits that are holding you back from confidence? Find them and tear them down.  You don’t need them!

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!