Fill your Cup

“When you over value what other people think of you it’s because you’re looking for someone else to fill your cup.  You’re looking for someone else to give you self-esteem.” Dr. Ashlee Greer

What you think of yourself is so much more important than what other people think of you.  Confidence will only grow when you are filling your own cup.  When you are giving esteem to yourself.

Esteem means admiration or respect.  How do you gain this admiration for yourself?  I think first off you have to understand who you really are.  You must remember that you are a creation of God.  He made you and He loves you.  If you can’t feel love for yourself right now remember that God loves you.

Next, find out the things you are good at.  My second son is awesome at telling corny jokes.  He makes us laugh and he is always searching for a new joke.  It may seem like a small thing knowing how to tell a joke.  But when it has been a long day and you just can’t deal with life anymore a good joke breaks the tension.  Our talents aren’t always found in the big things of the world.  Find what you are good at and treat those things with respect.  Those talents are how you will change the world.

Finally, find the things you really want to do.  The goals we haven’t won’t always come from strengths we possess.  Sometimes the goals we have will come from something you want to learn.  Or a shortcoming you want to overcome.  I hate heights and it is getting worse the older I get.  However, giving in to this fear is not something I am willing to do anymore.  As kids we always teased our Mom because she is afraid of heights. (I know this is called Karma!)  But Mom never gave up.  She came behind and she hugged the mountain but she never gave up.

My mom was always the last in the family to finish a hike.  But she always finished.  Make a list of the things you want to learn or accomplish and start doing them!  It doesn’t matter if you are perfect at it.  It doesn’t matter if you think you are too old.   Just go do it.

Day 14 – confidence comes by respecting yourself.  Do one thing today that shows you love and respect yourself!

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!