All You Can Do

I have always been told that God will help you after all you can do.  He then steps in and makes up the rest.

I have taken this to mean that I have to fight and scramble and figure out twenty different ways to fix something in my life.  Because there is always MORE I could do.  So what does that mean for me asking God for help?  It didn’t happen; I always felt there was more I could do.

Today as I was thinking about life and this challenge the thought came to me rely on God.  As I thought about what that would mean I remembered an incident from yesterday.  My monkey likes to get snacks before or after gymnastics.  Yesterday we decided to stop at the Maverick after gymnastics and get a snack.  As he was walking around trying to decide what he wanted I also wandered the store.  I was trying to convince myself that I really didn’t NEED a snack.

Then I saw their yummy sugar cookies sitting in the cooler.  So I asked for help.  Heavenly Father I really want that cookie but I know I should be eating better.  Oh never mind, I really want it so I am just going to get it.  So I did and I ate the entire thing and it was delicious.  However,  I wasn’t really asking for help in resisting the treat.

Today as I thought about relying on God for help my prayers changed.  (Now let me just say that eating yummy things is not bad.  My problem is I overdo it.  If one is good 10 is so much better!)  Instead of a passing pretend prayer I have tried to rely more on God.  My request has been different. Heavenly Father, I really want that candy bar but I know it isn’t good for me.  Please fill me up with your love and turn my heart to thee.

I guess the difference really is in the humility of my requests.  I can only rely on Heavenly Father when I am truly humble enough to ask with a sincere heart and then listen to what He is telling me.

Now I understand better what I have been told for so many years.  God will help you after all you can do.  Right now when it comes to candy all I can do is about 2 minutes.  Then I have to call in the big guns.  He fills in the rest – which to me means that He pours love and acceptance into my heart.  He lets me feel the love He has for me.

Day 9 – Believe in God (or a higher power) that He is listening; that he loves you.  Believe that your struggles are not your own to carry.  He will lift and help and carry you.

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!