Moms Know Best

My mom gave me some advice today about gaining confidence.  First, become a widow and travel overseas.  The travel overseas part I am all for!  Becoming a widow not so much.


Then she told me we are all working on stuff so you don’t need to pressure yourself.  Besides if you were confident about everything you would be arrogant and annoying and no one wants to be around that.  That one made me laugh.  I don’t think I will ever be confident about everything so I should be ok!


But she had two really good points.  Sometimes we just need to do hard things to become more confident.  I believe that confidence is like a muscle the more we use it and exercise it the bigger it becomes.  That is why I am doing this 30 day challenge!


The second thing she reminded me about was to relax.  We are all working on different things and probably will be the rest of our lives.  So there really isn’t a reason to become stressed out about the changes we want to have happen.


When I was getting my brain back from the anxiety I realized that I had a choice when stress and anxiety came calling.  I could either get upset and angry that I was having ANOTHER anxiety attack or I could relax into it.  When I started to relax and let life happen the anxiety would go away.


Finally, my mom reminded me to have a sense of humor.  Life is too short to be serious about everything.  Take some time to laugh and enjoy all of the blessings you have.


Confidence day 3 is a mess of different things but mostly just relax and enjoy life!

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!