Are you mad at me?

Why are you here? What is your purpose?

Not too long ago I thought my purpose was to make everyone happy.  And I mean EVERYONE! I worried about people behind me on the road when I was driving it was that bad.  The anxiety I experience centers around what others think of me and making sure they are happy.

My poor husband had to listen daily to worries that I had offended someone. When I think back to those days I can remember the worry and the stress.  But very rarely can I remember what it was I was so worried about.

My favorite question during that time was: are you mad at me?  I had to check in with the people in my life often to make sure that I had not done something to make them mad.  I never could keep in mind what my mom always told us as kids, “They didn’t make you made, you chose to be mad.”  It wasn’t up to me to make people happy.  But I just couldn’t keep that in mind.

The reason that I share this story is because I have been thinking about the differences in my life recently.  I can still tell when other people are just a little off or not feeling right.  But I no longer take responsibility for their feelings.  I try to find out what is going on and help them deal with the stress.  But I no longer make other feelings a condition of me feeling good.

I now know that my purpose in life is not making other people happy.  But I wonder could part of my purpose be helping other people find their purpose?


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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!