TV is the BOMB!

I love watching reality TV.  My husband hates it because he says it teaches other people to act that way in real life.  I know that even though it is called “reality”  they make a lot of it up for ratings.  But, anyway, it has been a guilty pleasure.

The last couple of weeks I have been busy and haven’t been watching as much TV.  Before, I would stay up past everyone else saying I just needed some time to myself.  My boys decided a few weeks ago that they wanted to start working out at the gym in the mornings and they needed a driver.  This meant that I needed to go to bed earlier so staying up late to watch TV was no longer an option.  (I didn’t want to leave my kids hanging at 5:30 am)

The last couple of weeks it has been amazing the things I have been able to accomplish.  And I felt so good; not only physically, because I did workout with them since I was at the gym anyway, but mentally as well.  Sunday night my hubby did an overnight work trip so I stayed up late and watched some TV.  Because I stayed up late I didn’t get up Monday morning to work out.  Then because I didn’t work out I decided I should just watch some more TV and relax.  This week is going to be another busy week and this morning was the only one I would have to myself. (That is how I justify my lazy TV time.)

However, as the morning went on I got more and more anxious.  My thoughts and feelings kept spiraling down and I felt horrible.  My energy level was so low I just kept sitting there even though I knew I needed to do other things.  Physically I was reverting to the anxiety ball that I go into when an anxiety attack is coming.  I knew it was because I was sitting around but I didn’t want to move.

Although I always knew intellectually that too much TV was not good for me I never made the connection to how much it affected my mental health until today. I just felt horrible and the longer I sat there the worse it got and the less I wanted to move.  It was a horrible downward spiral that I finally broke by getting up and moving.

Now I am going to be more careful with my TV time.  I need some suggestions for self care that will actually help me relax but not start a downward spiral.  What do you do when you know you need to take care of yourself?  Thank you in advance for your help!


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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!