Be yourself!

Be Yourself,  Everyone else is already taken!

Oscar Wilde


Most of my life I have wanted to be someone else.  Someone not so sensitive, someone that everyone likes and someone that can just float through life without any worries.   That is so not me!!  I worry and I worry a lot.  If worry was an Olympic sport I am pretty sure I could take home gold!  I could take home the gold without even training!

Anyway the last few months I have come to realize that actually I really want to be me.  I want to the be the real me that isn’t worried about what other people think.  I have colored my hair some different colors and not been concerned when people  said they didn’t like it.  In fact, I was totally fine with them not liking my hair.

I have started really connecting with my family.  My boys can feel that I am more secure in myself and they are sharing more about what is going on in their lives.  Also, I have less “chatter” in my brain so I can really hear what they are telling me.

Twenty years ago I went on a mission for my church.  As we were getting off one of the flights a woman walked past me and handed me a note.  I have kept it all of these years because I felt she saw something in me that I didn’t see yet.  She wrote “I see in you a warrior of light, and truth, and compassion.  You are the essence of courage and strength.  You are clarity, and truth. There is a brightness in your being that radiates the joy that is you.”  That is me and that is you too!

Be you and I will be me because we are amazing the way we are!  Do we have challenges?  Yes! Are we perfect? No!  Are we loved anyway? Yes! Have an amazing day being you!

Photo credit: Aron Streibel

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!