Good enough!

I think a lot about how to be good enough.  When I wake up in the morning I think about what I need to do that day that will make me good enough.

First I need to actually get up when my alarm goes off so that I can accomplish something before I get the boys up.  That doesn’t happen very often so then I am already running behind in the good enough column.  Then I get the younger two boys up so they can eat and get to the bus.  I do have a win in the good enough column here though because I get them fed and lunches made so I am now back to neutral on the good enough balance sheet.

Now I wait for my older son to get up.  I take him to school and come back home.  Everyone is now gone for the day and I need to plan my day and figure out all of things that I need to do be good enough.  I need to get something out for dinner.  I need to exercise.  I need to work on my blog.  I need to work on a program I have been chosen to present at.  I need to make sure clothes are folded that the house is clean that I have called my family that I will attend the church meeting tonight that I will … the list just keeps going.

Am I the only one that keeps these lists in my head and also keeps score?  The sad thing is that no matter what I do I never feel like I am good enough.  I wonder often why my husband wants to stay with me.  I don’t really want to make friends because then they will know I am not good enough.  As long as I keep people on a superficial level they will never know that I am really not good enough.

I know in my head that all of these thoughts and feelings are not true.  I am still working on teaching my heart that they aren’t true.  But I am not going to give up on teaching my heart!

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!