Is Santa real?

All this snow has me thinking about Christmas.  We still have Christmas decorations up and I was listening to Christmas music yesterday.  I guess it had J thinking about Christmas also.  Last night when I was tucking the boys in J asked me to wait for a minute.  He said “Mom, some of the kids at school say there isn’t a Santa that it is our Moms and Dads that put the presents under the tree.  Now please don’t lie to me but is there a Santa?”  


He was so sincere and really wanting the truth, the look on his face just about broke my heart.  I told him no there isn’t a Santa that comes and delivers the presents.  However, the belief and good things Santa teaches us are one part of the magic of Christmas.  He looked a little bit sad then said, “That is ok.”  


I was so sad to leave his room.  He is our last little boy that believed in Santa.  Christmas won’t be the same.  I left his room and went and cried on A’s shoulder because he is one step closer to being all grown up.  Although the boys no longer believe in Santa we can now focus more on the true meaning of Christmas.  I am so grateful for Christ and that he came and died for us.  
What do you do to focus more on Christ at Christmas time?

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I am a wife, mother, librarian and lover of learning new things. Amazing and Terrifying is all about my journey in this world. My purpose is to help as many people as I can choose and live the life that they want. Thank you for visiting!